A single 10 ml dose is normally sufficient to control lice.A few lice may survive on a small minority of animals.In cases of heavy challenge, if necessary, a repeat dose may be applied after 4 weeks. Remove the cap from the chamber and gently squeeze the required amount into the chamber.Release the pressure from the container and pour as directed. The 10 ml dose should be applied at an even rate along the backline from the crown of the head to the top of the rump.
Fly control:
Apply a single 10ml dose at the onset of the fly season and repeat as necessary at 5 to 8 week intervals.Frequency of administration may, however, have to be varied depending on the level and type of infestation. The 10 ml dose should be applied at an even rate along the backline from the crown of the head to the top of the rump
Withdrawal: Meat and offal: 10 days Milk: Zero hours. Cows should be treated immediately after milking to allow as long a time as possible to elapse before the next milking.