For the treatment and control of headflies, and treatment of tick infestation and biting lice. For the prevention and treatment of blowfly strike.
Active Ingredient(s): Cypermethrin tech. (cis:trans / 80:20) 12.5 mg
Prevention of Blowfly Strike:
Do not administer to animals of less than 12.5 kg bodyweight. Apply as a fan-spray to the surface of the fleece on the back and hindquarters of the sheep using the Pour-On Gun fitted with the fan-spray nozzle. Half the dose should be applied to the shoulders, back and flanks, and half to the rump. Each dose will require 2 or 3 sweeps to apply. One application will give 6-8 weeks protection.
Bodyweight Dose Doses per litre
Up to 25 kg 20 ml 50
25 to 40 kg 30 ml 33
Over 40 kg 40 ml 25
Lice Treatment:
Using the straight nozzle on the applicator gun, apply as a pin-stream from the shoulders to the rump along the middle of the backline. Sheep may be treated off-shears or at any time during the year.
5 ml per 20 kg bodyweight up to a maximum of 20 ml.
Bodyweight Dose Doses per litre
Up to 20 kg 5 ml 200
21 to 40 kg 10 ml 100
41 to 60 kg 15 ml 66
Over 60 kg 20 ml 50
Ticks Treatment:
Using the straight nozzle on the Pour-On Gun, apply as a pin-stream from the crown of the head to the top of the rump.
Adult sheep and lambs greater than 10 kg: 10 ml per 20 kg bodyweight, up to a maximum of 40ml. Lambs under 10 kg: 5 ml followed 3 weeks later
by a 10 ml application.
Bodyweight Dose Doses per litre
Up to 10 kg 5 ml 200
11 to 20 kg 10 ml 100
21 to 40 kg 20 ml 50
41 to 60 kg 30 ml 33
Over 60 kg 40 ml 25
5 ml per animal irrespective of size. Apply to the top of the head between the ears using the T-bar nozzle.
Take care not to apply product in the sheep’s eyes. One application before the start of the headfly season will give up to 4 weeks protection. Re-treat as required.